I support athletes of all disciplines and ages through sports coaching. Using specific techniques, you will think through those difficulties that we will have well defined together. The coaching objective is developing your autonomy in problem solving, when confronted with a difficulty in your sport or in another aspect of your life (personal relationships, career path, social or love life, hobbies, family, etc.) I will ask you pertinent questions allowing you to structure your ideas, reformulate problems more clearly and find solutions suited to your situation and personality. An ideal accompaniment for any athlete wishing to excel.

What are your interests?
Career counselling
To make a career choice. To change career paths or simply to better know yourself, in a process you are comfortable with, while meeting your needs and expectations.
Studying abroad
Finding a school where practising your sport is possible while studying. Finding the school to further your studies or learn a language. Obtaining financial assistance for your studies, and facilitating enrolment in a school of your choice. Come and consult in meeting these important career goals.
Mental coaching for athletes
To fix your objectives, to better evaluate and meet them. To develop you as a person. To better know yourself and maximize your chances of success. You will be supported in your projects and your actions towards success. All in a pleasant and welcoming environment.